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Battles of Antiochus the Great, The

Battles of Antiochus the Great, The

Antiochus III, the king of the Seleucid Empire for four decades, ruled a powerful state for a long time. He fought and won many battles from India to Egypt, and he lost almost as many. Compared with most of the other Hellenistic monarchs of Macedonian-founded kingdoms, Antiochus had a greater variety of units that he could field in his army. 

Author: Graham Wrightson.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 154pp. 16x24x1.7cm.

ISBN: 9781526793461

Weight: 600g.

Original Price: £20.00

Price:    £7.99 

Battles of King Arthur, The

Battles of King Arthur, The

The ninth century Historia Brittonum is the first source that mentions Arthur and lists twelve battles, including the famous Badon Hill. Much ink has been spilt debating the identity and location of Arthur. This book will demonstrate that some of the battles can indeed be located with some confidence. 

Author: Tony Sullivan.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 267pp. 16x24x2.4cm.

ISBN: 9781399015301

Weight: 850g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

Battles of the Wars of the Roses

Battles of the Wars of the Roses

Written with the most up-to-date archaeological and documentary research, and including many images of the main protagonists, battle sites, maps and genealogical charts, this is a fascinating new insight into the Wars of the Roses.

Author: David Cohen

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 208pp. 16cm by 23.5cm.

ISBN: 9781399083102

Weight: 694g

Original Price: £22.00

Price:    £7.99 

British Army 1714-1783, The. An Institutional History.

British Army 1714-1783, The. An Institutional History.

Stephen Conway offers a very different view of how the British army operated between the Hanoverian succession and the end of the War of American Independence.

Author: Prof Stephen Conway.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 204pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN: 9781526711403

Weight: 537

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Britain in the Age of Arthur: A Military History

Britain in the Age of Arthur: A Military History

King Arthur is one of the most controversial topics of early British history. Are the legends based on a real historical figure or pure mythological invention?

Author: Ilkka Syvanne

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 256pp. 16.3cm by 23.6cm.

ISBN: 9781473895201

Weight: 821g

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Bronze Age Military Equipment

Bronze Age Military Equipment

This book is a fascinating discussion of the development of the military equipment of the earliest organized armies.

Author: Dan Howard

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 192pp. 15.5cm by 23cm.

ISBN: 9781399023375

Weight: 326g

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £6.99 

Byzantine Fortifications

Byzantine Fortifications

Protecting the Roman Empire in the East

The Byzantine empire was one of the most powerful forces in the Mediterranean and Near East for over a thousand years. Strong military organization, in particular widespread fortifications, was essential for its defence. 

Author: Dr Nikos Kontogiannis.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 271pp. 16x24x2cm.

ISBN: 9781526710253

Weight: 800g.

Original Price: £30.00

Price:    £9.99 

Caracalla: A Military Biography

Caracalla: A Military Biography

Caracalla has one of the worst reputations of any Roman Emperor. Many ancient historians were very hostile and Edward Gibbon later dubbed him the common enemy of mankind. Yet his reign was considered by at least one Roman author to be the apogee of the Roman Empire.

Author: Ilkka Syvänne

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 368pp. 16cm by 23.5cm.

ISBN: 9781399074827

Weight: 635g

Original Price: £16.99

Price:    £6.99 

Castle To Fortress

Castle To Fortress

Across western Europe the long tradition of castle-building took on its most sophisticated form in the later medieval period and then, in response to the development of gunpowder weapons, it underwent a fundamental change – from castle to fortress. This, the second volume of a highly illustrated new study of medieval fortification, gives a fascinating insight into the last great age of castles and the centuries of violence and conflict they were part of.

Author: J.E. Kaufmann & H.W Kaufmann

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 256pp. 18cm by 25.5cm.

ISBN 9781526736871

Weight. 0.822Kg

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

Conquerors of the Roman Empire: The Vandals

Conquerors of the Roman Empire: The Vandals

Part of: Conquerors of the Roman Empire (3 books).

Author: Simon MacDowall

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 208pp. 16.5cm by 23.5cm.

ISBN: 9781399020848

Weight: 365g

Original Price: £15.99

Price:    £6.99 

Crisis of Rome, The.

Crisis of Rome, The.

The Jugurthine & Northern Wars & the rise of Marius.

Author: Gareth C Sampson.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Paperback.288 pp. 15cm by 23cm.

ISBN: 9781526781772

Weight: 484

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Crusades in 100 Objects,The.

Crusades in 100 Objects,The.

For half a millennium, throughout almost the entire medieval period, the Catholic church sanctioned military campaigns against what it perceived as its enemies. The rise of Islam and its spread across large parts of the Middle East, Asia, North Africa and even the peripheries of Europe, saw Muslim warriors seize the Holy Land, occupy Jerusalem and threaten Constantinople.

Author: James Waterson

Publisher: Frontline Books

Hardback. 251pp. 18cm by 25cm.

ISBN 9781526795304

Weight. 838g

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

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