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Second World War

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15cm sIG 33 Schweres Infanteriegeschutz 33.

15cm sIG 33 Schweres Infanteriegeschutz 33.

From the well loved "Camera On" series.

Author: Alan Ranger.

Publisher: Stratus.

Paperback. 72pp. 21cm by 29cm.

ISBN: 9788365958983

Weight: 292g

Original Price: £15.00

Price:    £6.99 

Airborne Warfare 1939-1945, A Photographic History of

Airborne Warfare 1939-1945, A Photographic History of

On 10 May 1940 German Fallschirmjäger stormed the Dutch fort of Eben-Emael, south of Maastricht. The brilliantly executed operation was the first signal success by airborne troops in the Second World War and it made the military world sit up and take notice. Improved parachutes and the creation of gliders that could carry troops meant that assault forces could be dropped or landed behind enemy lines.

Author: Simon & Jonathan Forty

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 224pp. 18cm by 25cm.

ISBN 9781399011143

Weight. 0.760Kg

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

Albert Speer - Escaping the Gallows

Albert Speer - Escaping the Gallows

Secret Conversations with Hitler's Top Nazi.

Author: Adrian Greaves

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 192pp. 15.2cm by 22.8cm.

ISBN: 9781399009539

Weight: 482g

Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £7.99 

Allied Armor in Normandy

Allied Armor in Normandy

With detailed diagrams and many photos illustrating the composition of the Allied armored divisions and tank regiments present at Normandy this volume explains the crucial part played by tanks in gaining a foothold in Normandy after the D-Day landings as well as the significance of many other types of armored vehicles.

Author: Yves Buffetaut

Publisher: Casemate.

Paperback. 128pp. 17cm by 25cm.

ISBN: 9781612006079

Weight: 421

Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £6.99 

Americans and Germans in Bastogne, The

Americans and Germans in Bastogne, The

First-Hand Accounts from the Commanders.

Author: Gary Sterne

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. pp. cm by cm.

ISBN: 9781526770776

Weight: 839g

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Americans on D-Day & in Normandy. IOW.

Americans on D-Day & in Normandy. IOW.

This superb Images of War book examines, using contemporary and modern images and maps, the course of the campaign and its implication for both the American troops and the civilian population of the battlezone.

Author: Dr Brooke S Blades

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 252pp. 19cm by 24cm.

ISBN: 9781526743961

Weight: 726g

Original Price: £15.99

Price:    £6.99 

Armour of Hitler's Allies in Action 1943 - 1945, The

Armour of Hitler's Allies in Action 1943 - 1945, The

Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives (Images of War).

While much has been written about the Nazis' panzers, comparatively little is known about the armoured vehicles in service with the other Axis armies.

Author: Ian Baxter

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 128pp. 18.5cm by 24cm.

ISBN: 9781399085441

Weight: 424g

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £6.99 

Bader's Last Flight

Bader's Last Flight

An In-Depth Investigation of a Great WWII Mystery

On 9 August 1941, one of the greatest icons of the Second World War, Douglas Bader, was shot down, captured and later incarcerated. But by whom, and how? Was it by one of his deadly German opponents, as Douglas Bader himself maintained, or was it by one of his own side? 

Author: Andy Saunders.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 234pp. 15.5x23.3x1.5cm.

ISBN: 9781473895409

Weight: 550g.

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Battles for Monte Cassino, The - Then and Now

Battles for Monte Cassino, The - Then and Now

The Battles for Cassino encompassed one of the few truly international conflicts of the Second World War. A strategic town on the road to Rome, the fighting lasted four months and cost the lives of more than 14,000 men from eight nations.

Author: Jeffrey Plowman, Perry Rowe.

Publisher: After the Battle.

Hardback. 408pp. 30cm by 21.5cm.

ISBN: 9781870067737

Weight: 1.92gk.

Original Price: £50.00

Price:    £19.99 

Battles of El Alamein, The

Battles of El Alamein, The

The End of the Beginning (Battle Craft).

Author: Skipper Ben

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 64pp. 21.5cm by 30.5cm.

ISBN: 9781399007627

Weight: 345g

Original Price: £16.99

Price:    £6.99 



The Invasion of Poland to the Fall of France.

Author: Dr Stephen Hart & Dr Russell Hart.

Publisher: Osprey.

Hardback. 304pp. 19cm by 25cm.

ISBN: 9781472847874

Weight: 1275

Original Price: £30.00

Price:    £9.99 

Blitzkrieg in the West - Then and Now

Blitzkrieg in the West - Then and Now

Jean Paul Pallud, author of the highly acclaimed The Battle of the Bulge Then and Now, presents — for the first time through comparison ‘then and now’ photographs — a detailed account of the Battle of France: the forty-five traumatic days from May 10 to June 24, 1940 that resulted in one of the most remarkable military victories of modern times.

Author: Jean Paul Pallud.

Publisher: After the Battle.

Hardback. 640pp. 30cm by 22cm.

ISBN: 9780900913686

Weight: 2.62kg.

Original Price: £50.00

Price:    £19.99 

Burma Victory, 1944-1945 - Images of War

Burma Victory, 1944-1945 - Images of War

General Stilwell’s ad hoc force of Merrill’s Marauders, American-trained Chinese divisions, Kachin guerrillas and General Wingate’s Chindits conducted a northern Burmese offensive that led to the coup de main seizure of Myitkyina’s airfield in May 1944. 

Author: Jon Diamond.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 236pp. 19x24.5x1.6cm.

ISBN: 9781399008532

Weight: 750g.

Original Price: £16.99

Price:    £6.99 

Cardiff and the Valleys at War 39-45

Cardiff and the Valleys at War 39-45

The book pays particular attention to the way Welsh society changed during the war years, far reaching changes that are still felt in the country today. 

Author: Gary Dobbs.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 114pp. 15.5x23.2x0.9cm.

ISBN: 9781473864610

Weight: 300g.

Original Price: £12.99

Price:    £3.99 

Cheating Hitler

Cheating Hitler

Allied Airmen Who Evaded Capture in WW2

For most, and particularly the injured and the wounded, being shot down over Occupied Europe during the Second World War meant that capture was immediate, that imprisonment was almost inevitable. For some, evasion was possible, but rarely for long. For a relative handful, however, their evasion saw them eventually reach home once again.

Author: Martin W Bowman.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 212pp. 16.5x24x2.5cm.

ISBN: 9781399073257

Weight: 550g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Chindit Affair

Chindit Affair

A Memoir of the War in Burma

In March 1944, some 2,200 battle trained men of 111 Brigade flew from India into northern Burma to land on improvised airstrips cleared from the jungle, They were part of General Orde Wingate's Chindit force sent to fight the Japanese deep behind their lines. 

Author: Brian Mooney.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 242pp. 15.5x23.3x2cm

ISBN: 9781399085250

Weight: 450g.

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Churchill's German Special Forces

Churchill's German Special Forces

The Elite Refugee Troops who took the War to Hitler

Author: Paul Moorcraft

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 256pp. 15.9cm by 24.1cm.

ISBN: 9781399061285

Weight: 517g

Original Price: £20.00

Price:    £6.99 

Combined Operations

Combined Operations

An Official History of Amphibious Warfare Against Hitler's Third Reich, 1940-1945.

Author: An Official History

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 320pp. 16cm by 23.5cm.

ISBN: 9781399040228

Weight: 730g

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

Countering Hitler's Spies.

Countering Hitler's Spies.

British military intelligence 1940 - 1945.

Author: Stephen Wynn.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Hardback. 152pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781526725523

Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £6.99 

Cumbria at War 1939-45.

Cumbria at War 1939-45.

From " Your Towns & Cities in WW2" series.

Author: Ruth Mansergh.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Paperback. 286pp. 15cm by 23cm.

ISBN 9781473877108

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Defeat of Germany, The - Then and Now

Defeat of Germany, The - Then and Now

In January 1944, the headquarters of the Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force was set up in London. Although over 500 correspondents, photographers and broadcasters had been accredited by the Public Relations Division to cover the invasion of France, SHAEF also decided to issue its own daily communiqués, charting the progress of the battle and over the following months nearly 400 were released.

Author: Winstyon G Ramsey.

Publisher: After the Battle.

Hardback. 544pp. cm by cm.

ISBN: 9781870067843


Original Price: £44.95

Price:    £17.99 

Desert War, The - Then and Now

Desert War, The - Then and Now

Following Mussolini’s declaration of war in June 1940, initially Italy faced only those British troops based in the Middle East but as the armed confrontation in the Western Desert of North Africa escalated, other nations were drawn in — Germany, Australia, India, South Africa, New Zealand, France and finally the United States to wage the first major tank-versus-tank battles of the Second World War.

Author: Jean Paul Pallud.

Publisher: After the Battle.

Hardback. 592pp. 30cm by 21.5cm.

ISBN: 9781870067775

Weight: 2.66kg.

Original Price: £60.00

Price:    £24.99 

Dieppe Raid, The.

Dieppe Raid, The.

An official history. The combined operations assault on Hitler's European fortress August 1942.

Publisher: Frontline Books.

Hardback. 314pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781526752918

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Dieppe Raid: The German Perspective, The

Dieppe Raid: The German Perspective, The

Author: Graham A Thomas

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback.264 pp.16.5cm by 24.8cm.

ISBN: 9781526786067

Weight: 543g

Original Price: £22.00

Price:    £7.99 

Dieppe Through the Lens

Dieppe Through the Lens

The 14th Canadian Army Tank Regiment was one of the first Canadian armoured regiments to be formed and was also the first to be committed to battle.

Author: Hugh G Henry Jr, Jean Paul Pallud.

Publisher: After the Battle.

Hardback. 64pp. 30cm by 22cm.

ISBN: 9780900913761

Weight: 610g.

Original Price: £12.95

Price:    £4.99 

Dunkirk Evacuation in 100 Objects, The

Dunkirk Evacuation in 100 Objects, The

The Story Behind Operation Dynamo ion 1940.

Author: Martin Mace

Publisher: Frontline Books

Hardback. 242pp. 17.5cm by 25cm.

ISBN: 9781526709905

Weight: 828g

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

Dunkirk Perimeter & Evacuation 1940, The

Dunkirk Perimeter & Evacuation 1940, The

The book, the latest in a series of eight Battleground Europe books that deals with the BEF's campaign in France and Flanders in 1940, covers the fierce fighting around the Dunkerque Perimeter during May and June 1940 between the retreating British Expeditionary Force and its French allies and the advancing German army. 

Author: Jerry Murland.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 218pp. 13.9x21.5x1.6cm.

ISBN: 9781473852235

Weight: 450g.

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Dunkirk to D-Day.

Dunkirk to D-Day.

At Dunkirk, the withdrawing army left behind most of its equipment, yet only four years later, on D-Day, troops would wonder at the efficiency of supply. This book looks at the lives of some of the men who led the monumental effort which led to this result.

Author: Philip Hamlyn Williams.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 2144pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN: 9781526794307

Weight: 565

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

End Game Burma

End Game Burma

Slim's Masterstroke at Meiktila

When the Burma campaign is discussed, the turning point battles of Imphal and Kohima are most often thought of. However General Bill Slim's bold but risky plan to outflank the Japanese on the Irrawaddy at Mandalay deserves far more credit.

Author: Michael Pearson.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 150pp. 15.5x23.3x1.3cm.

ISBN: 9781399019910

Weight: 350g.

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Faithful in Adversity

Faithful in Adversity

The Royal Army Medical Corps in the Second World War

On 28 September 1945, Field Marshal Montgomery expressed his ‘admiration and high regard to a corps whose contribution to victory has been beyond all calculation’.

Author: John Broom.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 339pp. 16x24x3cm.

ISBN: 9781526749550

Weight: 750g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Fallschirmjager: German Paratroopers 1942-1945 (IOW).

Fallschirmjager: German Paratroopers 1942-1945 (IOW).

From the Images of War series.

Author: Francois Cochet.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 120pp. 19cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781526740700

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

German Mountain Troops 1939-42.

German Mountain Troops 1939-42.

Fifteen elite mountain divisions and a multitude of small units fought for the Wehrmacht during World War II.

Author: Yves Beraud.

Publisher: Casemate.

Paperback. 128pp. 17cm by 25cm.

ISBN: 9781612009100

Weight: 433

Original Price: £29.99

Price:    £6.99 

Guderian: Panzer General

Guderian: Panzer General

Guderian was a man of ideas equipped with the ability to turn inspiration into reality. A master of strategy and tactics, he was the officer who led the attack on Poland in September – and in so doing introduced the world to the reality of Blitzkrieg.

Author: Kenneth Macksey.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 228pp. 15.523.2x1.8cm.

ISBN: 9781526713353

Weight: 400g.

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

History of 30 Assault Unit, The

History of 30 Assault Unit, The

Ian Fleming's Red Indians - Formed by Ian Fleming, who was working for Naval Intelligence, 30 AUs mission was to penetrate and operate behind enemy lines, capture by whatever means necessary vital intelligence and feed it back to London where it could be assimilated and acted upon.

Author: Craig Cabell

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 176pp. 15cm by 23cm.

ISBN: 9781399077477

Weight: 338g

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £5.99 

Hitler's Anti-Tank Weapons 1939-1945.IOW.

Hitler's Anti-Tank Weapons 1939-1945.IOW.

Rare photographs from wartime archives.

Author: Hans Seidler.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Paperback.128 pp. 19cm by 24cm.

ISBN: 9781526749833

Weight: 411

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Hitler's Armed SS

Hitler's Armed SS

The Waffen-SS at War, 1939 1945.

Author: Anthony Tucker-Jones

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 240pp. 16.5cm by 24cm.

ISBN: 9781399006910

Weight: 583g

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Hitler's D-Day Defences.

Hitler's D-Day Defences.

D-Day Defences revisits many of the locations within the five-beach landing area of the invasion forces, focusing on the various aspects of the German fortifications, the types of defensive systems employed against the American, British and Canadian invaders, and the results experienced by both invaders and defenders in the Allied struggle to gain and hold possession of that pathway to Berlin.

Author: Philip Kaplan.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 176pp. 17cm by 25cm.

ISBN 9781526705402

Weight. 701g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

Hitler's Defeat on the Eastern Front

Hitler's Defeat on the Eastern Front

Drawing on rare and previously unpublished photographs accompanied by in-depth captions, the book provides an absorbing analysis of this traumatic period of the Second World War.

Author: Ian Baxter

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 160pp. 19cm by 24.8cm.

ISBN: 9781844159772

Weight: 480g

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Hitler's Light Tanks

Hitler's Light Tanks

Author: Paul Thomas

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 128pp. 18.8cm by 24.4cm.

ISBN: 9781526741660

Weight: 473g

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Hitler's Paratroopers in Normandy.

Hitler's Paratroopers in Normandy.

This gripping new account examines the exploits of Germanys II Parachute Corps and its commander, Eugen Meindl from the Allied invasion on 6 June to the end of August 1944. Meindl was the epitome of the senior German airborne commander in the Second World War.

Author: Gilberto Villahermosa.

Publisher: Frontline Books.

Hardback. 352pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781848327719

Weight. 732g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

Hitler's Sky Warriors.

Hitler's Sky Warriors.

Hitler's Sky Warriors includes detailed accounts of all the ground campaigns of the parachute divisions, especially in Italy, where their epic defence of Monte Cassino entered military legend.

Author: Christopher Ailsby.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 248pp. 19cm by 24cm.

ISBN: 9781473886681

Weight: 697g.

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Hitler's Stormtroopers

Hitler's Stormtroopers

The SA, The Nazis' Brownshirts, 1922 - 1945.

Author: Jean-Denis Lepage

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 320pp. 14cm by 20cm.

ISBN: 9781399077217

Weight: 717g

Original Price: £16.99

Price:    £6.99 

Hitler's Terror Weapons.

Hitler's Terror Weapons.

From V! to Vimana.

Author: Geoffrey Brooks.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Paperback. 224pp. 15cm by 23cm.

ISBN: 9781399013390

Weight: 370

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Hitler's Third Reich in 100 Objects.

Hitler's Third Reich in 100 Objects.

Fascinating images that expose the poisonous reality of Hitler's Germany.

Author: Roger Moorhouse.

Publisher: Greenhill Books.

Paperback. 258pp. 15cm by 23cm.

ISBN 9781784385163

Original Price: £16.99

Price:    £6.99 

Hitler's Wartime Orders.

Hitler's Wartime Orders.

Presented here, in one collection, is the important historical record of Hitler’s war directives. From preparations for the invasion of Poland to his last desperate order to his troops on the Eastern Front, this unbroken edition provides a fascinating insight in to the proceedings of the Second World War and the mind of the man that launched the world into chaos.

Author: Bob Carruthers

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 224pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781473868724

Weight. 532g

Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £7.99 

If War Should Come

If War Should Come

The Origins of the Second World War from the Times Archive

Author: Mark Barnes

Publisher: Crecy

Hardback. pp. cm by cm.

ISBN: 9781910809457

Weight: 1.5kg

Original Price: £24.95

Price:    £9.99 

Invasion Airfields - Then and Now

Invasion Airfields - Then and Now

In his 1945 report to the Combined Chiefs-of-Staff on the success of Operation ‘Overlord’, the Supreme Commander General Eisenhower wrote that ‘on the morning of June 9 I was able to announce that for the first time since 1940, Allied air forces were operating from France, and that within three weeks of D-Day, 31 Allied squadrons were operating from the ­beach-head bases’.

Author: Winston G Ramsey.

Publisher: After the Battle.

Hardback. 224pp. cm by cm.

ISBN: 9781870067911


Original Price: £34.95

Price:    £9.99 

Japan Triumphant

Japan Triumphant

The Far East Campaign, 1941–1942

The Japanese offensive in the Far East in 1941-2 was extraordinary in its ambition for their aim was to advance across the entire region.

Author: Philip Jowett.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 184pp. 19x24.5x1.3cm.

ISBN: 9781526734358

Weight: 550g.

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Japan's Pacific War.

Japan's Pacific War.

Thanks to years of research and over 100 interviews with veterans, the Author has compiled a fascinating collection of personal accounts by former Japanese soldiers, sailors and airmen.

Author: Dr Peter Williams.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 224pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN: 9781526796127

Weight: 561

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Killling Fields of Provence, The

Killling Fields of Provence, The

Occupation, Resistance and Liberation in the South of France.

Author: James Bourhill

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 405pp. 16x24x3.5cm.

ISBN: 9781526761323

Weight: 847

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Knight of the North Atlantic

Knight of the North Atlantic

Baron Siegfried von Forstner and the War Patrols of U-402 1941–1943

The story of von Forstner and U-402 parallels the rise and fall of the Wolfpack.

Author: Aaron S Hamilton.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 224pp. 18x25x2cm.

ISBN: 9781399096720

Weight: 750g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

Leibstandarte Ardennes 1944.

Leibstandarte Ardennes 1944.

The Past & Present series reconstructs battles and operations by juxtaposing contemporary and modern photography.

Author: Steven Smith.

Publisher: Casemate.

Paperback. 64pp. 18cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781612005423

Original Price: £9.99

Price:    £3.99 



The Advance of Panzer Group 4 1941.

Author: W. Chales de Beaulieu

Translated by Linden Lyons

Publisher: Casemate.

Hardback. 192pp. 15cm by 23cm.

ISBN: 9781612008752

Weight: 495

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Leyte 1944.

Leyte 1944.

The soldiers' battle. A highly detailed account of the ground fighting on Leyte from Oct 1944 through the spring of 1945.

Author: Nathan N. Prefer.

Publisher: Casemate.

Paperback. 394pp. 15cm by 22cm.

ISBN 9781612007168

Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £6.99 

Mapping the Second World War

Mapping the Second World War

The history of the War through maps from 1939 to 1945.

Author: Peter Chasseaud

Publisher: Collins

Hardback. 301pp 23x27cm.

ISBN: 9780008136581

Weight: 1.52kg

Original Price: £30.00

Price:    £12.99 

Mortar Gunner on Eastern Front - Vol 1

Mortar Gunner on Eastern Front - Vol 1

The Memoir of Dr Hans Rehfeldt - Volume I: From the Moscow Winter Offensive to Operation Zitadelle

Author: Hans Heinz Rehfeldt.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 341pp. 16x24x2.6cm.

ISBN: 9781784383619

Weight: 900g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

Murderous Elite.

Murderous Elite.

The Waffen - SS and its complete record of war crimes.

Author: James Pontolillo.

Publisher: Leandoer & Ekholm.

Hardback. 480pp. 20cm by 26cm.

ISBN 9789185657025

Original Price: £32.99

Price:    £12.99 

Narvik and the Norwegian Campaign 1940

Narvik and the Norwegian Campaign 1940

Images of War

The Norwegian campaign, fought in 1940, early in the Second World War in Europe, is overshadowed by the campaign in Poland that preceded it and the German blitzkrieg in the Low Countries and France that followed.

Author: Philip Jowett.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 230pp. 19x24.5x1.6cm.

ISBN: 9781526796547

Weight: 700g.

Original Price: £18.99

Price:    £6.99 

Nazi Concentration Camp Overseers, IOW

Nazi Concentration Camp Overseers, IOW

The Nazis’ vast concentration camp network and, later, the ‘Final Solution’ programme made heavy demands on the SS whose responsibility it was. The use of ‘overseers’ minimised costs and enabled the camps to run with fewer SS personnel. As this well researched book describes, there were three principal groups of ‘helpers’: Sonderkommandos, Kapos and Trawniki.

Author: Ian Baxter

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 113pp. 19cm by 24.5cm.

ISBN 9781526799951

Weight. 0.409kg

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £6.99 

Nazi Spies and Collaborators in Britain 1939-1945

Nazi Spies and Collaborators in Britain 1939-1945

Author: Neil R Storey

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 272pp. 16cm by 23.5cm.

ISBN: 9781399084321

Weight: 749

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Nazi UFOs

Nazi UFOs

The Legends and Myths of Hitlers Flying Saucers in WW2.

Author: S D Tucker

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 256pp. 16cm by 23.5cm.

ISBN: 9781399071567

Weight: 444g

Original Price: £20.00

Price:    £6.99 

Operation C3: Hitler's Plan to Invade Malta 1942

Operation C3: Hitler's Plan to Invade Malta 1942

When writing his memoirs after World War II, German Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring stated, Italy's missing her chance to occupy the island [of Malta] at the start of hostilities will go down in history as a fundamental blunder.

Author: John Burtt

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 224pp. 16.5cm by 24.8cm.

ISBN: 9781399065764

Weight: 620g

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Operation Market Garden - A Bridge Too Far

Operation Market Garden - A Bridge Too Far

Every General’s aim is to end a war by Christmas, and Montgomery, perhaps, saw his opportunity in a bold strike across the southern portion of the Netherlands close to the borders of an embattled Reich. 

Author: Ben Skipper.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 64pp. 21x29.5x0.5cm.

ISBN: 9781399007665

Weight: 350g.

Original Price: £16.99

Price:    £6.99 

Operation Market Garden September 1944.

Operation Market Garden September 1944.

As with its companion volumes on D-Day the Bocage and the Ardennes battlefields this book provides a balanced up-to-date view of the operation making full use of modern research.

Author: Simon Forty and Tom Timmermans.

Publisher: Casemate.

Hardback. 192pp. 22cm by 30cm.

ISBN: 9781612005867

Weight: 1115

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

Operation Sealion

Operation Sealion

Hitler’s Invasion Plan for Britain

During the Summer of 1940, Hitler’s Germany appeared unstoppable. The Nazis were masters of mainland Europe, in alliance with Stalin’s Russia and only the English Channel prevented an immediate invasion.

Author: David Wragg.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 239pp. 16x24x2.4cm.

ISBN: 9781473867383

Weight: 600g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Operation Totalize.

Operation Totalize.

Operation Totalize is renowned for the death of SS panzer Ace Michael Wittmann at the hands of Trooper Joe Ekins and the destruction of Worthington Force, the result of a navigational error.

Author: Tim Saunders

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 276pp. 14cm by 21cm.

ISBN: 9781526741264

Weight: 511g

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Photographic History of Amphibious Warfare 1939-1945, A

Photographic History of Amphibious Warfare 1939-1945, A

Author: Simon Forty, Jonathan Forty

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 256pp. 17.8cm by 25.4cm.

ISBN: 9781399082655

Weight: 874g

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

Pointe Du Hoc.

Pointe Du Hoc.

From the "Battleground Normandy" series.

Author: Tim Saunders.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Paperback. 238pp. 13cm by 21cm.

ISBN 9781473889163

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Poland and the Second World War 1938-48

Poland and the Second World War 1938-48

The invasion of Poland by German forces (quickly joined by their then-allies the Soviets) ignited the Second World War. Despite determined resistance, Poland was quickly conquered but Poles continued the struggle to the very last day of the war against Germany, resisting the occupier within their homeland and fighting in exile with the Allied forces.

Author: Evan McGilvray.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 344pp. 16x24x3cm.

ISBN: 9781473834101

Weight: 700g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Red Army Tank Commander

Red Army Tank Commander

At War in a T-34 on the Eastern Front.

Author: Vasiliy Bryukhov

Paperback. 224pp. 16cm by 23.5cm.

ISBN: 9781399077330

Weight: 316g

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £5.99 

Red Army Weapons of the Second World War

Red Army Weapons of the Second World War

Author: Michael Green

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 224pp. 18cm by 25cm.

ISBN: 9781399095389

Weight: 935g

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

Secret Service Against the Nazi Regime

Secret Service Against the Nazi Regime

How Our Spies Dealt with Hitler

An edited collection of peer-reviewed articles using newly-released sources - British, German and Italian - integrated to form a fascinating narrative of the intelligence-led fight of the British Secret Service in the existential struggle with Nazi Germany. 

Author: Edward Harrison.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 257pp. 16x24x2.7cm.

ISBN: 9781399007276

Weight: 600g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Secret War

Secret War

The Story of SOE - Britain's Wartime Sabotage Organisation

Secret War is a detailed analysis of SOE’s structure and performance and describes its successes and failures across the globe. 

Author: Nigel West.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 300pp. 16x24x3cm.

ISBN: 9781526755667

Weight: 700g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

SOE in Czechoslovakia

SOE in Czechoslovakia

The Special Operations Executives Czech Section in WW2.

Author: An Official History

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 224pp. 16cm by 23.5cm.

ISBN: 9781399082754

Weight: 411g

Original Price: £20.00

Price:    £6.99 

Stalag 383 Bavaria.

Stalag 383 Bavaria.

A history of the camp, the escapes and the liberation.

Author: Stephen Wynn.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Hardback. 184pp. 15cm by 23cm.

ISBN: 9781526757241

Weight: 574

Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £6.99 

Stalingrad: Death of an Army

Stalingrad: Death of an Army

The very name Stalingrad has become synonymous with military folly and political arrogance. Its capture by the Wehrmacht was a crushing defeat, both militarily and politically, for the Red Army.

Author: Ben Skipper

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 54pp. 21.6cm by 30.5cm.

ISBN: 9781399007740

Weight: 355g

Original Price: £16.99

Price:    £6.99 

Stauffenberg, Symbol of Resistance

Stauffenberg, Symbol of Resistance

On 20th July 1944, senior officers gathered at the Wolfschanze – the Wolf’s Lair – Hitler’s headquarters in East Prussia. Amongst those men was Colonel Claus Schenk Count von Stauffenberg, chief of staff of the Reserve Army, and with him he carried a briefcase packed with explosives.

Author: Wolfgang Venohr

Publisher: Frontline

Hardback. 300pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781473856837

Weight. 0.565Kg

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Stockholm Run, The.

Stockholm Run, The.

Air transport between Britain and Sweden during WWII.

Author: Nils Mathisrud.

Publisher: MMP Books.

Paperback. 344pp. 21cm by 29cm.

ISBN: 9788365281159

Weight: 1272g

Original Price: £35.00

Price:    £14.99 

Stopping Hitler

Stopping Hitler

An Official Account of How Britain Planned to Defend Itself in the Second World War

Author: Capt Graeme Chamley Wynne.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 388pp. 15.5x23.3x3cm.

ISBN: 9781399020817

Weight: 650g.

Original Price: £18.99

Price:    £6.99 

St Nazaire Raid, 1942

St Nazaire Raid, 1942

The raid on St Nazaire has gone down in history as one of the most daring commando raids of all time. 

Author: Stephen Wynn.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 193pp. 16x24x2.2cm

ISBN: 9781526736307

Weight: 500g.

Original Price: £20.00

Price:    £6.99 

The Blitz - Then and Now - Volume 1

The Blitz - Then and Now - Volume 1

Volume 1 covers the first year, the period from phoney war to total war: September 3, 1939 to September 6, 1940. Beginning with endless air raid warnings and a sense of unreality, it was a phase which was to culminate in Hitler threatening to raze Britain’s cities to the ground.

Author: Winston G Ramsey.

Publisher: After the Battle.

Hardback. 336pp. 30cm by 21.5cm.

ISBN: 9780900913457


Original Price: £29.95

Price:    £9.99 

The Blitz - Then and Now - Volume 3

The Blitz - Then and Now - Volume 3

The period in question began quietly with the Luftwaffe busy elsewhere, yet the increasing attacks on Germany by the Royal Air Force provoked a response in the form of the so-called Baedeker offensive of 1942. And it is against the background of the hammer blows dealt out to German towns and cities that the Blitz on Britain during the 1942–1944 period must be viewed.

Author: Winston G Ramsey.

Publisher: After the Battle.

Hardback. 592pp. 30cm by 22cm.

ISBN: 9780900913587

Weight: 2.45kg.

Original Price: £44.95

Price:    £17.99 

The Final Curtain: Burma 1941-1945

The Final Curtain: Burma 1941-1945

Veterans' Stories

In their own words, soldiers, sailors and airmen now aged between 95 and 101 vividly recount the experiences that they endured more than seventy-five years ago.

Author: Jeremy Archer.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 284pp. 16x24x2.7cm.

ISBN: 9781399070416

Weight: 850g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

The Harwich Strike Force

The Harwich Strike Force

The Royal Navy's Front Line in the North Sea 1914–1918

For the whole duration of the First World War, the Harwich Striking Force was the front line of the Royal Navy, a force of cruisers and destroyers defending the seas for the Allies.

Author: Steve R. Dunn.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 336pp. 16x24x2.6cm.

ISBN: 9781399015967

Weight: 900g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

The Hitler Assassination Attempts

The Hitler Assassination Attempts

The Plots, Places and People that Almost Changed History

Throughout his political life, Adolf Hitler was the subject of numerous assassination plots, some of which were attempted, all of which failed.

Author: John Grehan.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 258pp. 16x24x1.8cm.

ISBN: 9781399018906

Weight: 650g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

The Second World War's Military Legacy

The Second World War's Military Legacy

Driven by the need to defeat Hitler's Nazis and Japanese Imperial ambitions, the period 1939 – 1945 saw huge and unprecedented leaps in the invention and development of war winning weapons and technology.

Author: David Wragg.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 190pp. 15.5x23.3x1.7cm.

ISBN: 9781399074674

Weight: 400g.

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

To the Gate of Hell

To the Gate of Hell

A Memoir of a Panzer Crewman

In this memoir he gives a full and honest account of his wartime career, encompassing both the hellish terror of combat and the everyday annoyances and injustices of army life in wartime.

Author: Armin Böttger.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 128pp. 15.5x23.3x1.3cm.

ISBN: 9781399075060

Weight: 300g.

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Tragedy & Betrayal in the Dutch Resistance

Tragedy & Betrayal in the Dutch Resistance

On the night of 31 March 1945, five men were woken and taken from their cells in the city of Zwolle, in The Netherlands. They were put in a vehicle and escorted by the German occupying forces to a street nearby, where all five were lined up and executed. The corpses were left behind as the Germans left the scene. Whether by accident or betrayal, these men had fallen in to the clutches of the Sicherheitsdienst, the Nazi intelligence service.

Author: Samuel De Korte

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 138pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781526784988

Weight. 0.576kg

Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £7.99 

U-Boat Pens of the Atlantic Battle

U-Boat Pens of the Atlantic Battle

The story of the pen shelters and their part in that war is both fascinating and enduring.

Author: Philip Kaplan

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 175pp. 18x25.2x2.2cm.

ISBN: 9781526705440

Weight: 850g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

United States Army Armored Division of the Second World War

United States Army Armored Division of the Second World War

Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives (Images of War).

Author: Michael Green

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 217pp. 18.8cm by 24.4cm.

ISBN: 9781526717252

Weight: 649g

Original Price: £16.99

Price:    £4.99 

US Airborne Tanks, 1939-1945

US Airborne Tanks, 1939-1945

This detailed and comprehensive study deals with every aspect of design and deployment of American airborne tanks from the earliest concepts to their actual use, by British units, on D-Day and during Operation Varsity, the Rhine crossing.

Author: Charles C Roberts Jr

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 208pp. 15.5cm by 23.6cm.

ISBN: 9781526785022

Weight: 561g

Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £6.99 

War in the Channel Islands - Then & Now.

War in the Channel Islands - Then & Now.

The book brings together for the first time, first-hand accounts of all seven Commando raids in the Channel Islands.

Author: Winston G. Ramsey.

Publisher: After the Battle.

Hardback. 256pp. 21cm by 30cm.

ISBN: 9780900913228

Weight: 1366

Original Price: £28.00

Price:    £9.99 

Wehrmacht in the Mud.

Wehrmacht in the Mud.

From the well loved "Camera On" series.

Author: Alan Ranger.

Publisher: Stratus.

Paperback. 80pp. 21cm by 29cm.

ISBN: 9788365958549

Weight: 322g

Original Price: £15.00

Price:    £6.99 

Women of the Third Reich.

Women of the Third Reich.

From camp guards to combatants.

Author: Tim Heath.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 256pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781526739452

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £6.99 

York at War 1939-45

York at War 1939-45

Author: Armstrong Craig

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 128pp. 15cm by 23cm.

ISBN: 9781526704726

Weight: 357g

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

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