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Transport - Other

Governor, The.

Governor, The.

Power without control is unusable power, and long after the invention of the steam engine, finding ways of applying that power to tasks where consistency was of paramount importance was the 'Holy Grail' which many steam engineers sought to find.

Author: John Hannavy

Publisher:Pen & Sword

Hardback. 160pp. 22cm by 29cm.

ISBN 9781399090889


Original Price: £12.99

Price:    £12.99 

London's Transport from Roman Tomes to the Present Day

London's Transport from Roman Tomes to the Present Day

Transport systems are the lifeblood of all great cities and this is certainly true of London. As far back as Roman times, their city Londinium was the hub of a network of roads leading out to all the major centres of the time.

Author: Anthony Burton.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 181pp. 17.5x25x1.4cm.

ISBN: 9781399085861

Weight: 750g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

Peugeot Classic Bicycles 1945 to 1985

Peugeot Classic Bicycles 1945 to 1985

Both road and race bikes are looked at in detail, with the book written in a fashion that makes it equally suitable for both reference or as a coffee table tome for the enthusiast.

Author: Brian Long

Publisher: Veloce

Hardback. 176pp. 21.5cm by 25cm.

ISBN: 9781787112155

Weight: 828g

Original Price: £35.00

Price:    £14.99 

Steam Traction on the Road

Steam Traction on the Road

From Trevithick to Sentinel: 150 Years of Design and Development.

Author: Anthony Burton

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 200pp. 17.1cm by 24.1cm.

ISBN: 9781399077224

Weight: 521g

Original Price: £17.99

Price:    £6.99 

Transport Curiosities, 1850-1950

Transport Curiosities, 1850-1950

Weird and Wonderful Ways of Travelling by Road, Rail, Air and Sea

Author: John Wade.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 196pp. 18x25x2cm.

ISBN: 9781399003971

Weight: 750g.

Original Price: £20.00

Price:    £9.99 

Transporter Bridges.

Transporter Bridges.

Covering the period from the building of the first transporter bridge in 1893 right up to the present day.

Author: John Hannavy.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Hardback. 268pp. 22cm by 28cm.

ISBN 9781526760388

Original Price: £30.00

Price:    £12.99 

Transport Travelogue of Britain by Road, Rail and Water 1948-1972, A.

Transport Travelogue of Britain by Road, Rail and Water 1948-1972, A.

The combined volume of a set of six additions to the best-selling Recollections series takes us on a nostalgic tour of Britain during the 1950s, 60s and 70s.

Author: Cedric Greenwood.

Publisher: Silver Link Publishing

Hardback. 336pp. 24cm by 17cm.

ISBN 9781857945058

Weight. 1284

Original Price: £34.00

Price:    £14.99