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First World War

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The Decisive Year in Soldiers’ Own Words and Photographs

Author: Richard van Emden.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 373pp. 16x24x3.2cm.

ISBN: 9781526735553

Weight: 1.1kg.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

Advance to Victory

Advance to Victory

July to September 1918

This is the story of the British Expeditionary Force’s part in the opening days of the Advance to Victory. It starts with the contribution to the Battle of Fère-en-Tardenois in July; the counter-offensive which pushed the Germans back to the River Marne.

Author: Andrew Rawson.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 213pp. 16x24x2cm.

ISBN: 9781526723406

Weight: 650g.

Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £7.99 

Amiens 1918 - The Last Great Battle

Amiens 1918 - The Last Great Battle

Thirty years in the writing, Amiens is the first book to study the battle in minute detail. Using eyewitness accounts from numerous survivors, the authors take us into the trenches, the tanks and the cockpits.

Author: James McWilliams & R. James Steel

Publisher: History Press

Paperback. 320pp. 13x20x2.5cm.

ISBN: 9780752444260

Weight: 387g

Original Price: £11.99

Price:    £3.99 

Arras Third Ypres & Cambrai.

Arras Third Ypres & Cambrai.

This book documents the experiences of the Central Powers, specifically Austria-Hungary, Germany and the Ottoman Empire during 1917, as they fought on land, at sea and in the air.

Author: Joshua Bilton

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 176pp. 19cm by 24cm.

ISBN: 9781473876934

Weight: 508g

Original Price: £16.99

Price:    £7.99 

Battle on the Aisne 1914

Battle on the Aisne 1914

The BEF and the Birth of the Western Front.

Author: Jerry Murland

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 256gpp. 16cm by 23cm.

ISBN: 9781399074544

Weight: 453g

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £6.99 

Battles of World War 1.

Battles of World War 1.

The major land, sea and air battles of WW1.

Author: Martin Marix Evans.

Publisher: Airlife Publishing.

Paperback. 112pp. 14cm by 23cm.

ISBN 9781840374094


Original Price: £9.99

Price:    £3.99 

Before Endeavours Fade - A guide to the battlefields of the First World War

Before Endeavours Fade - A guide to the battlefields of the First World War

From the Belgian coast, across the fields of Flanders, over the valley of the Somme and down the line to the Argonne: all the major battlefields of the First World War, Ypres, Arras, Cambrai, Amiens, St Quentin, Mons, Le Cateau, Reims, Verdun and St Mihiel, are criss-crossed in this book over more than thirty different routes, each clearly shown on a Michelin map.

Author: Rose E B Coombs MBE.

Publisher: After the Battle.

Paperback. 248pp. 21cm by 29.7cm.

ISBN: 9781870067621

Weight: 1052g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Belgium in the Great War.

Belgium in the Great War.

Because of their heroic defence, Belgium and its King, Albert I enjoyed enormous international prestige after the war.

Author: Jean-Michel Veranneman.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Hardback. 232pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781526716606

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Boy Scouts in Great War, The

Boy Scouts in Great War, The

The Boy Scout became a trusted and common sight on the streets of the country and the contribution they made was great indeed.

Author: Dr Craig Armstrong.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 168pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN: 9781526723246

Weight: 569

Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £7.99 

Boy Soldiers of the Great War.

Boy Soldiers of the Great War.

After the outbreak of the Great War, boys as young as twelve were caught up in a national wave of patriotism and, in huge numbers, volunteered to serve their country. The press, recruiting offices and the Government all contributed to the enlistment of hundreds of thousands of under-age soldiers in both Britain and the Empire. On joining up, these lads falsified their ages, often aided by parents who believed their sons’ obvious youth would make overseas service unlikely.

Author: Richard Van Emden

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 467pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781399011631

Weight. 0.963Kg

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

Cassel and Hazebrouck 1940: France and Flanders Campaign

Cassel and Hazebrouck 1940: France and Flanders Campaign

This is the first detailed account of the rearguard action that took place between 25 and 29 May 1940 at Cassel and Hazebrouck on the western perimeter of the Dunkirk Corridor.

Author: Jerry Murland

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 168pp. 13.3cm by 21cm.

ISBN: 9781473852655

Weight: 311g

Original Price: £12.99

Price:    £4.99 

Christmas in the Trenches

Christmas in the Trenches

Unlike the famous Christmas truce of 1914, the Christmas experiences in other years of the war and on other fronts have received scant attention. Alan Wakefield has trawled the archives to provide a fascinating selection of first-hand accounts of the six wartime Christmases of the First World War.

Author: Alan Wakefield

Publisher: History Press

Paperback. 211pp. 13x20x2cm.

ISBN: 9780750954648

Weight: 274g

Original Price: £12.99

Price:    £3.99 

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