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First World War

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The Decisive Year in Soldiers’ Own Words and Photographs

Author: Richard van Emden.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 373pp. 16x24x3.2cm.

ISBN: 9781526735553

Weight: 1.1kg.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

Advance to Victory

Advance to Victory

July to September 1918

This is the story of the British Expeditionary Force’s part in the opening days of the Advance to Victory. It starts with the contribution to the Battle of Fère-en-Tardenois in July; the counter-offensive which pushed the Germans back to the River Marne.

Author: Andrew Rawson.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 213pp. 16x24x2cm.

ISBN: 9781526723406

Weight: 650g.

Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £7.99 

Amiens 1918 - The Last Great Battle

Amiens 1918 - The Last Great Battle

Thirty years in the writing, Amiens is the first book to study the battle in minute detail. Using eyewitness accounts from numerous survivors, the authors take us into the trenches, the tanks and the cockpits.

Author: James McWilliams & R. James Steel

Publisher: History Press

Paperback. 320pp. 13x20x2.5cm.

ISBN: 9780752444260

Weight: 387g

Original Price: £11.99

Price:    £3.99 

Arras Third Ypres & Cambrai.

Arras Third Ypres & Cambrai.

This book documents the experiences of the Central Powers, specifically Austria-Hungary, Germany and the Ottoman Empire during 1917, as they fought on land, at sea and in the air.

Author: Joshua Bilton

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 176pp. 19cm by 24cm.

ISBN: 9781473876934

Weight: 508g

Original Price: £16.99

Price:    £7.99 

Battle on the Aisne 1914

Battle on the Aisne 1914

The BEF and the Birth of the Western Front.

Author: Jerry Murland

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 256gpp. 16cm by 23cm.

ISBN: 9781399074544

Weight: 453g

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £6.99 

Battles of World War 1.

Battles of World War 1.

The major land, sea and air battles of WW1.

Author: Martin Marix Evans.

Publisher: Airlife Publishing.

Paperback. 112pp. 14cm by 23cm.

ISBN 9781840374094


Original Price: £9.99

Price:    £3.99 

Before Endeavours Fade - A guide to the battlefields of the First World War

Before Endeavours Fade - A guide to the battlefields of the First World War

From the Belgian coast, across the fields of Flanders, over the valley of the Somme and down the line to the Argonne: all the major battlefields of the First World War, Ypres, Arras, Cambrai, Amiens, St Quentin, Mons, Le Cateau, Reims, Verdun and St Mihiel, are criss-crossed in this book over more than thirty different routes, each clearly shown on a Michelin map.

Author: Rose E B Coombs MBE.

Publisher: After the Battle.

Paperback. 248pp. 21cm by 29.7cm.

ISBN: 9781870067621

Weight: 1052g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Belgium in the Great War.

Belgium in the Great War.

Because of their heroic defence, Belgium and its King, Albert I enjoyed enormous international prestige after the war.

Author: Jean-Michel Veranneman.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Hardback. 232pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781526716606

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Boy Scouts in Great War, The

Boy Scouts in Great War, The

The Boy Scout became a trusted and common sight on the streets of the country and the contribution they made was great indeed.

Author: Dr Craig Armstrong.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 168pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN: 9781526723246

Weight: 569

Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £7.99 

Boy Soldiers of the Great War.

Boy Soldiers of the Great War.

After the outbreak of the Great War, boys as young as twelve were caught up in a national wave of patriotism and, in huge numbers, volunteered to serve their country. The press, recruiting offices and the Government all contributed to the enlistment of hundreds of thousands of under-age soldiers in both Britain and the Empire. On joining up, these lads falsified their ages, often aided by parents who believed their sons’ obvious youth would make overseas service unlikely.

Author: Richard Van Emden

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 467pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781399011631

Weight. 0.963Kg

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

Cassel and Hazebrouck 1940: France and Flanders Campaign

Cassel and Hazebrouck 1940: France and Flanders Campaign

This is the first detailed account of the rearguard action that took place between 25 and 29 May 1940 at Cassel and Hazebrouck on the western perimeter of the Dunkirk Corridor.

Author: Jerry Murland

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 168pp. 13.3cm by 21cm.

ISBN: 9781473852655

Weight: 311g

Original Price: £12.99

Price:    £4.99 

Christmas in the Trenches

Christmas in the Trenches

Unlike the famous Christmas truce of 1914, the Christmas experiences in other years of the war and on other fronts have received scant attention. Alan Wakefield has trawled the archives to provide a fascinating selection of first-hand accounts of the six wartime Christmases of the First World War.

Author: Alan Wakefield

Publisher: History Press

Paperback. 211pp. 13x20x2cm.

ISBN: 9780750954648

Weight: 274g

Original Price: £12.99

Price:    £3.99 

Dictionary of Tommies Songs and Slang 1914-1918

Dictionary of Tommies Songs and Slang 1914-1918

During the First World War, British soldiers were renowned for their chirpy songs and plucky sayings. Indeed, nothing would lift the spirits of the often exhausted and weary troops more than a hearty singalong.

Author: John Brophy & Eric Partridge

Publisher: Frontline Books

Hardback. 238pp. 15.5cm by 23cm.

ISBN 9781526760661

Weight. 0.415 kg

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Escaping Soldiers and Airmen of World War 1.

Escaping Soldiers and Airmen of World War 1.

From the Voices in Flight series.

Author: Martin W. Bowman.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Hardback. 256pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781473863224

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £6.99 

Fighting for the Bucks.

Fighting for the Bucks.

The history of the Royal Bucks Hussars 1914-18.

Author: E.J. Hounslow.

Publisher: Spelmont.

Paperback. 192pp. 15cm by 23cm.

ISBN 9780752498997

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Final Advance, The. September to November 1918.

Final Advance, The. September to November 1918.

This is the story of the British Expeditionary Force’s part in the final days of the Advance to Victory. It starts with the massive offensive against the Hindenburg Line at the end of September 1918.

Author: Andrew Rawson

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 218pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781526723444

Weight. 666g.

Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £9.99 

First and the Last of the Sheffield City Battalion - Hardback

First and the Last of the Sheffield City Battalion - Hardback

This is the story of two Sheffield from very different social backgrounds who both volunteered in early September 1914.

Author: John Cornwell.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Hardback. 224pp. 15cm by 23cm.

ISBN: 9781526762245

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £6.99 

First and the Last of the Sheffield City Battalion - Paperback

First and the Last of the Sheffield City Battalion - Paperback

This is the story of two Sheffield from very different social backgrounds who both volunteered in early September 1914.

Author: John Cornwell.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Paperback. 224pp. 15cm by 23cm.

ISBN: 9781526767363

Weight: 560

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

First Blitz in 100 Objects, The.

First Blitz in 100 Objects, The.

Lavishly illustrated in full colour throughout.

Author: Ian Castle.

Publisher: Frontline Books.

Hardback. 268pp. 17cm by 25cm.

ISBN 9781526732897

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £9.99 

From the Channel to the Ypres Salient.

From the Channel to the Ypres Salient.

The Belgian sector 1914 - 1918.

Author: Chris Baker.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Paperback. 258pp. 15cm by 23cm.

ISBN: 9781526749314

Weight: 489

Original Price: £15.99

Price:    £4.99 

Gallipoli - Then and Now

Gallipoli - Then and Now

Gallipoli. Virtually unheard of prior to 1915, the very name of the Turkish peninsula bordering the Dardanelles now conjures up visions of privation and hardship and death which even surpass the horrors of the trench warfare on the Western Front.

Author: Steve Newman.

Publisher: After the Battle.

Hardback. 232pp. cm by cm.

ISBN: 9781870067294


Original Price: £24.95

Price:    £9.99 

Germany in the Great War: Verdun & Somme

Germany in the Great War: Verdun & Somme

For the Central Powers, 1916 was a year of trail and error, of successes and failures, of innovation and of drastic changes.

Author: Joshua Bilton

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 152pp. 19cm by 24cm.

ISBN: 9781473876897

Weight: 692g

Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £6.99 

Great Escapes of the First World War.

Great Escapes of the First World War.

Just how far would you go to escape? Would you bury yourself under the floor? Would you board a boat with a rotten bottom? Would you tunnel underground?

Author: Rachel Bilton

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 208pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781473887732


Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £7.99 

High Wood.

High Wood.

Known as 'the rottenest place on the Somme' by the soldiers who fought there.

Author: Michael Harrison.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 170pp. 15cm by 23cm.

ISBN 9781473834095

Original Price: £12.99

Price:    £4.99 

Home Front, The. Arras & Passchendaele.

Home Front, The. Arras & Passchendaele.

From the "Great War Illustrated" series.

Author: David Bilton.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Paperback. 150pp. 19cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781473833692

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Home Front The Realisation, The.

Home Front The Realisation, The.

The realisation: Somme, Jutland and Verdun. The Great War Illustrated series.

Author: David Bilton.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Paperback. 158pp. 19cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781473833708

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Krithia: Gallipoli

Krithia: Gallipoli

Krithia was a key objective in the land offensives; a killing ground greater than Anzac or Suvla.

Author: Stephen Chambers

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 192pp. 14cm by 21.6cm.

ISBN: 9781473875470

Weight: 467g

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Kut 1916 - The Forgotten British Disaster in Iraq

Kut 1916 - The Forgotten British Disaster in Iraq

In Kut 1916, Patrick Crowley recounts this dramatic battle story of blunders, sacrifice, imprisonment and escape. 

Author: Patrick Crowley, Gary Sheffield (Foreword)

Publisher: History Press

Paperback. 320pp. 15.5x23.3x2.5cm.

ISBN: 9780750966061

Weight: 579g

Original Price: £18.99

Price:    £6.99 

Last Days of the High Seas Fleet

Last Days of the High Seas Fleet

From Mutiny to Scapa Flow

Author: Nicholas Jellicoe.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 351pp. 16x24x3cm.

ISBN: 9781526754585

Weight: 750g.

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Miner's Battalion.

Miner's Battalion.

A history of the 12th (pioneers) King's own Yorkshire Light Infantry 1914-1918.

Author: Malcolm K Johnson.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Hardback. 188pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781473868083

Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £6.99 

Norwich in the Great War.

Norwich in the Great War.

A meticulously researched look at Norwich, an industrial and commercial powerhouse, at the outbreak of the Great War.

Author: Stephen Browning.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Paperback. 141pp. 15cm by 23cm.

ISBN 9781473828186

Original Price: £12.99.

Price:    £4.99 

On the Road to Victory

On the Road to Victory

The Rise of Motor Transport with the BEF on the Western Front

Author: Michael Harrison.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 182pp. 16x24x1.6cm.

ISBN: 9781526750433

Weight: 550g.

Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £6.99 

Sanctuary Wood & Hooge.

Sanctuary Wood & Hooge.

Ypres, from the battleground Europe series.

Author: Nigel Cave.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 120pp. 14cm by 21cm.

ISBN 9780850523553

Original Price: £9.99

Price:    £3.99 

Skagerrak - The Battle of Jutland Through German Eyes

Skagerrak - The Battle of Jutland Through German Eyes

Author: Gary Staff

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 288pp. 16cm by 22cm.

ISBN: 9781399077163

Weight: 501g

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £6.99 

South Irish Horse in the Great War, The.

South Irish Horse in the Great War, The.

This book, while not an official history, fills a void by describing the achievements of this unique and short-lived regiment and the colourful characters who served in it.

Author: Mark Perry.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 212pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781526736956

Weight. 546g.

Original Price: £19.99

Price:    £6.99 

Stanley Spencer's Great War Diary

Stanley Spencer's Great War Diary

Stanley Spencer enlisted with the Royal Fusiliers as a private in 1915 and was commissioned in 1917 and thereafter served with the West Yorkshire Regiment until demobilised in 1919. He saw almost continuous active service from 1915 to the end of the War. 

Author: Stanley Spencer.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 176pp. 15.5x23.3x1.4cm.

ISBN: 9781399074629

Weight: 300g.

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Supplying the British Army in the First World War.

Supplying the British Army in the First World War.

Napoleon famously said that an army marches on its stomach, but it also marches in its boots and its uniforms, carrying or driving its weapons and other equipment, and all this material has to be ordered from headquarters, produced and delivered. Janet Macdonald's detailed and scholarly new study explains how this enormously complex task of organization and labour was carried out by the British Army during the First World War.

Author: Janet Macdonald

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 224pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781526725370


Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Supporting Tunnelling Operations in the Great War.

Supporting Tunnelling Operations in the Great War.

The story of the 'Alphabet Company'

Author: Damien Finlayson.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Paperback. 329pp. 15cm by 23cm.

ISBN 9781526740182

Original Price: £16.99

Price:    £4.99 

The Somme 1916

The Somme 1916

Martinpuich and the Butte de Warlencourt

This book is concerned with fighting south of the famous Albert-Bapaume road from mid September to the official end of the battle. 

Author: Bob Paterson.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 202pp. 13.8x21.5x1.5cm.

ISBN: 9781526764461

Weight: 400g.

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

They Shall Not Pass.

They Shall Not Pass.

The French Army on the Western Front 1914-1918.

Author: Ian Sumner.

Publisher: Pen & Sword.

Paperback. 248pp. 15cm by 23cm.

ISBN 9781526721822

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Tommy Goes to War.

Tommy Goes to War.

A remarkably vivid and frank account of the British soldier in the trenches.

Author: Malcolm Brown.

Publisher: Greenhill Books.

Paperback. 240pp. 15cm by 23cm.

ISBN 9781784383299

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Tommy's War - British Military Memorabilia 1914-1918

Tommy's War - British Military Memorabilia 1914-1918

Author: Peter Doyle

Publisher: The Crowood Press

Paperback. 208pp. 21cm by 29.7cm.

ISBN: 9781785007637

Weight: 805g

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Walking in the Footsteps of the Fallen.

Walking in the Footsteps of the Fallen.

Profusely illustrated and with excellent mapping, a hallmark of Christina Holstein's books, a visitor who follows the walks in this book will be left with a far clearer idea of the men who fought and died here and of the features of the battlefield and their significance in this battle that so challenged the endurance of the armies of two nations.

Author: Christina Holstein.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 186pp. 14cm by 21cm.

ISBN: 9781526717047

Weight: 391g

Original Price: £14.99

Price:    £4.99 

Welsh at War, The.

Welsh at War, The.

The grinding war: The Somme & Arras.

Author: Steven John.

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Hardback. 312pp. 16cm by 24cm.

ISBN 9781526700315

Original Price: £25.00

Price:    £7.99 

Welsh on the Somme: Mametz Wood

Welsh on the Somme: Mametz Wood

Author: Michael Renshaw

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Paperback. 176pp. 14.6cm by 22.2cm.

ISBN: 9781473832695

Weight: 321g

Original Price: £12.99

Price:    £4.99 

Show First 12 Product(s)