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Using this website



Customers can order direct from this site, provided they have an account set up with Bestsellers Direct Ltd. New customers can contact us to request a customer application form and agree to our terms and conditions, which are available on request.

Customers can use the cart on this website to indicate their requirements and orders will be processed accordingly. 

New customers will be invoiced on a Proforma basis and goods will be dispatched once this has been paid.

Existing customers will be invoiced on dispatch of orders and will make payment within their individual payment terms as agreed with Bestsellers Direct Ltd.

Shipping & Handling – UK Mainland Only 
Small orders are sent via parcel carrier, usually on a 48 hour service. This is FREE on orders over £150 (Invoice total). Please contact us for shipping costs for orders below this level.
 Larger orders are sent via pallet carrier, usually on a 48 hour service. This is FREE on orders to UK Mainland locations. 

Shipping & Handling – Outside UK Mainland 
 Please contact us for shipping costs.


Delivery Schedule 
 Orders are processed and sent out as soon as possible, but if you have a required date, please inform us of this at the time of placing your order.

Delivery - Special Requirements
 If you have any special requirements for delivery, such as weight restrictions, handling restrictions, opening times, etc., please let us know at the time of placing your order.


Back Orders 
As a rule we do not record back orders. The nature of the remainder business means that when a title has sold out we will probably not be able to obtain further stocks. Our buyers will have to find more good stock to keep our range exciting for you.


Tax Charges 
Books are zero rated for VAT. 

More help
If you need further assistance, not detailed above, please contact us via email: office@bestsellersdirect.co.uk